Thursday, February 7, 2013

84 and Counting

January 21, 2013: 84 and Counting:  84 days until Boston!  Today is a 6 mile recovery run on the treadmill.  You may be thinking…the first day of marathon training is a 6-mile recovery run…on the treadmill?  Well, the reality is that after running a marathon at the end of June (Midnight Sun Marathon – Tromso, Norway: 2:44:17…another disappointing race when I had sub-2:30 goals going into it), I took a 6-week break to heal from a nagging hip flexor injury.  Since mid-August, I have logged a little over 1,100 miles.  I have averaged about 65 miles a week over the last 5 weeks or so.  Therefore, a foundation has been laid before starting the 12-week journey to Boston.  I am not a mega-mileage marathoner by any stretch.  You will not see me logging 90-120 miles a week like many faster marathoners.  Over the next 12 weeks, God willing, I will be in the 70-80 miles a week range.  Like I said earlier, I am pretty much following a training plan laid out from Advanced Marathoning.  The fact is that just yesterday, I ran 18-miles, so today’s run is simply to recover from that.

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