Tuesday, February 19, 2013

57, 56, 55 and Counting

February 19, 2013: 55 and Counting......  10-miles (67:40); 10 x 0.1 mile strides - 11 miles total;  Two words describe the run today....hilly and windy (21 mph with gusts to 30 mph).  I ran a new route today.  I started at Lincoln High School; then ran into Lumberport past the middle school on Jack Run Rd.  I made it to the Robinson Run Coal Mine and turned right. Once my GPS watch hit the 5 mile mark, I turned around and followed the same route back.  I tell you what.....Jack Run Rd.  has some beastly hills......steep and long.  My goal today was to not jog, but stay relaxed and not worry about my time.  This is not a run I would want to do often because the downhills were long and steep as well.  I felt like my body took a pretty good pounding on the downward slopes.  The strides at the end felt pretty decent.  I did 5 against the wind, and 5 with a tail wind.  If there were spectators, I bet I looked funny striding against the wind.  At times I felt like I was running in place. :-P 

February 18, 2013: 56 and Counting..... DAY OFF!! :-)  Today is the start of a recovery week according to my training schedule.  It probably comes at a pretty good time.  I feel like last week was one of the best weeks of training I have had in a long time.  It's tempting to just go with it and keep slugging away.  However, it is probably best that I take it a little easier this week then try to come back with 4 strong weeks before the taper starts.  The front of my heel has been fine when running, but a little tight and sore during the work day.  It does seem to feel better when I roll it with a frozen water bottle, and when I roll a small, rubber bouncy ball underneath it.  It hurts as I am using the rubber ball, but feels better afterward.  I have also been trying to stretch my calves pretty consistently.  When I start slacking on these things, I have noticed it hurts a little more.  I need to keep treating it, and keep trusting God.  I do not believe He will let this be a hindrance.  He is good no matter what!!

February 17, 2013: 57 and Counting.....  18-miles (1:49:53).....one of my better 18-mile runs in a REALLY long time!  I really can do nothing by thank God for this one.  The run actually started out a little rough.  Most of the first 5 miles was into a pretty stiff headwind.  It was also snowing off and on (the fine little snowflakes that feel like needles hitting your face).  I think I actually spent as much time with my eyes closed as I did open b/c of the needles falling from the sky. :-P  As the run continued, I was amazed at how good I felt.  I ended up running the last 10 miles in 58:30.  My last 2 miles were 5:33 and 5:34.  The only parts of the run that felt 'hard' were the 3 larger hills.  I felt smooth on the rolling/flatter sections.  I know I need to be careful to not run these longer runs too hard, but I really felt like the effort was where it needed to be.  It definitely wasn't easy, but it didn't feel strained either.  I do plan to back the intensity off next week as it is supposed to be a 'recovery' week.  My confidence is building for Boston.  However, I want my confidence to be in the Lord....not myself.  I want to run in surrender to Him, and let the battle be His.  He is my strength and my song.  If my confidence is in myself...I can certainly fail....God NEVER fails.

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