Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Race Day Part 2

Mile 13 - 5:37 (the last 0.1 - 0:33) - the final 1.1 miles of the race was run through Epcot Center.  This mile reminded me a little of the Magic Kingdom Mile....tight turns, curves, wet pavement/concrete, etc, but also scenic, and a big crowd.  Running through the park, I pretty much knew that barring disaster, I had second place sewn up.  I almost couldn't believe it.  My time was 3:36 slower than my best half marathon time, so I wasn't necessary thrilled with that.  I know the heat, humidity, and darkness slowed everyone down at least some.....but 2nd place though?.....an absolute product of God's Grace and God's Faithfulness.
     I have heard of runners that have still run well despite little to no sleep.  However, throwing in the warm temperature, the humidity, and the all the events leading up to the race, I know for a fact that God's Grace sustained me through the entire ordeal.  This was just another way that God had shown that nothing is too difficult for Him, and nothing is impossible with Him.  He kept my heart at peace through everything.  I began to doubt a couple of times whether I would even make it to the race, but panic never really set in.  In fact, I felt more mentally and spiritually prepared for the race sitting in the DC airport less 6 hours before the race than I did at the starting line.  For whatever reason, when we actually landed in Orlando, I felt kind of flat.  I was neither excited for the race nor dreading it.  It was almost as if I was a walking zombie.  I didn't have much feeling or emotion for anything.  This is obviously not the state I wanted to be in before the race.  I wanted to be focused and locked in on God and His Goodness.  I wanted to be full of joy, ready to run for Him and His Glory.  To be honest, although my mental and spiritual state improved somewhat as we got closer to Donald Duck sending us off, I was still pretty 'off'.  I was still in more of a daze than I was focused on Jesus.  Ya know what though?  God just showed me how faithful He is, how good He is, and how merciful He is....even when my heart is not where it should be.
     In the weeks leading up to the race, I figured I had a great shot at finishing in the Top 10; a good shot at finishing in the Top 5; and if everything was clicking on all cylinders, possibly a shot at the Top 3.  If someone would have told me everything that was going to happen the day before the race, and that I was going to get no sleep.....THEN beat Clint Verran, Hunter Kemper, and Michael Wardian to finish 2nd place......come on!!....only if God Himself stepped in......
.............wow...............He really did.
     What is so much more important though than the result of this race......is why the result occurred, and why I run to begin with.  My heart's desire is to point people to Jesus.  I want everyone to experience the true freedom that comes with a surrendered relationship with Him.  The 'peace' I felt and experienced through the entire process can belong to anyone.  Jesus is for EVERYONE.  He went to the Cross for every soul.  He knew you before you were born, and fearfully and wonderfully knit you together in your mother's womb (Psalm 139).  He wants to fill the longing that is deep in all of our Soul's.   Despite what we have ever thought, done, or believed, He wants to meet us where we are, and make us new.
      If there is anyone reading this that is thinking 'I don't believe all this God and Jesus stuff'....or you are thinking, 'this God and Jesus stuff is just not for me.'.......I would challenge you to do a simple, but very courageous thing........ask God.....or even if you do not believe in God ask this......."God, if you are real, please show me....if this 'Jesus' is the Way, please show me.....somehow, some way.....please show me."
    My prayer is that through this blog, through this race and/or races that I run, that God touches hearts.  It's not about me, or my experiences....it's ultimately about pointing people to Jesus.  If I have not done that, then it's all in vain.  God Bless....and to Him be the glory.

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