Saturday, January 31, 2015

Enjoyable, Peaceful...A Nice Way to End the Month

January 31, to no traffic, 18 degrees, calm wind, not a cloud in the sky.  My first run in Charleston since summer was 'glorious'.  I felt the peace and presence of God.  Although I am typically more of a fan of running on country roads...running along both sides of the Kanawha River in Charleston this morning felt special...almost like a small taste of heaven. I know many people do not associate running with anything heavenly, but strolling through the mostly flat streets of Charleston this morning just had a great feel.  Effort-wise it was a recovery run with a planned 10K race tommorow afternoon.  However, it was so nice being outside, that a planned 8-9 miler turned into an 11-miler (plus I slightly miscalculated a loop. :-P ).
I am excited about the race tomorrow.  I have not tapered whatsoever as far as mileage goes.  I have run easier the past 2 or 3 days, but mileage has not dropped.  It's the first time in 2 months and only the second time in four months I have toed a starting line.  My ultimate goal is for my heart to be right.  I want to run as a worship to God, and be a reflection of Him.  Do I want to run fast?  Absolutely.....with my eyes fixed on Jesus...the author and perfector of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2)
No matter what Him be the Glory.

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