Thursday, February 7, 2013

83 and Counting

January 22, 2013: 83 and Counting:  10-miles (66:50) plus 10 x 0.1 mile strides) – 11 miles total.  Ok.. it was COLD today....15 degrees with the wind chill below zero.  However, I learned a saying from Norway: “There is no such thing as bad weather….just poor clothing.”   I wore cold weather compression gear with compression shorts, compression calf sleeves and long socks underneath as well as a dry-fit running jacket, mittens, and of course, a knit hat.  The folks in Norway hit the nail on the head with this one.  Besides my face at the beginning, I felt pretty warm throughout this run.  Even my face warmed up after about 4 miles.  I was a little hesitant to do strides after this one with the weather so cold, but after the 10 miles, I changed from my training shoes to racing flats, and the strides felt great.  The strides were the first ‘Fast’ running I have done since running an 8K race a little over two weeks ago.

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