Monday, February 11, 2013

63 and Counting

February 11, 2013: 63 and Counting..... 6 miles - Middleville Rd. - out/back - no watch.  I was going to do today's recovery run on the treadmill, but although the wind was howling, I could not resist sunny and 60 degrees.  I actually felt pretty decent coming off yesterday's workout, but I made sure I kept my pace nice and easy in preparation for tomorrow's workout.  The front of my right heel seems to be feeling better.  I have iced it the last couple days by rolling a frozen soup can with my foot.  The problem right now is I may have minor frostbite on that heel.  The skin on the front part of my heel is definitely red and burning.  I obviously should have put some kind of barrier between the can and my foot.  The rolling of the frozen can made my foot feel so much better (I think it got the inflammation down)....I just carried it a little too far.  It's a situation where I'm hoping the grace of God intervenes to cover a bad decision I matter what though....God is good :-)

The song today is by 'The David Crowder Band'.  If you choose to click on the link and listen to the song, I pray you sense at least a taste of God's love for you.......oh how He loves us.

You may have to copy and paste the address in your browser.

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