Thursday, February 7, 2013

77 and Counting

January 28, 2013: 77 and Counting…..  Ok…. The Boston Marathon website says that it is 76 days until the race.  I literally counted the days on the calendar and from Monday, January 28th until Monday, April 15th, it is 77 days, which makes sense.  It is exactly 11 weeks away; there are seven days in a week; and 11 x 7 = 77.  Someone can correct my logic if it is wrong, but if the BAA website continues it’s current countdown pattern, then on Sunday, April 14th, it will say ‘Race Day’, instead of ‘1 Day’ until the race. 
Well, enough babbling about unimportant, trivial matters, and on to today’s run.  It was a 6-mile recovery run on the treadmill (47:30).  I kept the television off during this run, and turned the tunes on.  Ninety-nine point nine percent of the music I listen to is a variation of Christian music.  I enjoy Christian Hip-Hop, Rock, Contemporary, and Worship music as well.  Listening to this music helps keep me focused on Christ, enriches my spirit, and even motivates me.  Many years ago I used to listen to just whatever was on the radio; but after being exposed to all of the sub-genres of Christian music, I was hooked.  Although I do not like every Christian song out there, I have discovered that there is as much music quality and diversity to Christian-based music as there is secular music.  There are still times when I might listen to a regular rock or country tune (and I do still like some of them), but for the most part, I’m going ‘Jesus’ music all the way.  Christ offers inner peace, hope, joy, and unconditional love.  There isn’t much music out there that can match that.

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