Wednesday, February 13, 2013

61 and Counting

February 13, 2013: 61 and Counting.....  15-miles (92:30).  I ran home from school today.  The weather was near perfect to begin with....mid 40's, cloudy, light wind.  It did get a little nasty the last 4 miles or so as the temperature dropped, a mix of rain and snow began to fall, and the wind seemed to pick up a little.  I was definitely wet when I got home, but not drenched. 
I am extremely happy with the way this one turned out.  I wasn't sure what to expect coming off the marathon tempo on Sunday, then the Lactate Threshold tempo yesterday.  I felt stronger as the run progressed, and my foot did not hurt during the run, and even up to a couple of hours after the run.  When the run was over I gave thanks to God, and prayed that the way my foot felt that moment (no pain) would just stay that way.  Well, it didn't quite happen.  Within a couple of hours after the run, the tendons/muscles in front of my heel tightened up and feel inflamed even now.  It's not excruciating....just nagging.  I AM THANKFUL THAT I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO ACTUALLY RUN PAIN FREE.  I am hoping with prayer and treatnment (ice massage (with a sock on this time), trigger point therapy, and stretching my calves), the heel will start to loosen up and not be an issue going forward.

I am getting excited as I feel like fitness is progressing overall, and I just believe God has a special race in store for April 15th.  I don't know what it will look like, but I know it will be good.  No matter what happens, it doesn't change who God is or how wonderful and merciful He is.  I know His desire for all of us is that we would all reach a point where He is more than enough for us.  Even if we lost everything dear to us, ultimately, His love, grace, and peace would be sufficient for us. 

Here is today's song:

God Bless! :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Put some golf balls in the freezer then when frozen cold take one out and place it under the foot. Roll the foot over the ball this will loosen up the tight muscles and tendons.