Thursday, March 21, 2013

28, 27, 26 and Counting

March 20, 2013: 26 and Counting:  14 miles - treadmill - YMCA (4-mile warmup; 6 x 1 mile at 4:55 pace (12.2 mph on treadmill) w/0.35 mile jog in between); 2 mile coodown.  On the training schedule was 6 x 1000 meters.  I had planned to do this on the track, but with track season in full swing, I would not have been able to get on the track until after 5:00 pm.  It's normally better for me to run right after work instead of going home, hanging out for awhile, then going back out.  Plus it was extremely windy outside, so I went with the next best option of hopping on the YMCA treadmill.  I am extremely pleased with the result of the workout.  Heading to the Y, the plan was to do 5 x 1 mile, but I felt really good, so I decided to add 1 more in there.  The day after the Grafton 5-miler, my heel was pretty sore, so I had my doubts about doing a speed workout this week.  All I can say is that God continues to sustain me.  By His grace I have been able to train through the aches and pains.  My belief is that He will continue to sustain me.  He is good.

March 19, 2013: 27 and Counting: 12-miles (84:00) - out/back - Maple Lake/Hinkle-Deagan Lake.  I headed out at 4:30 am for this one b/c the afternoon winds were forcasted to be close to 30 mph with higher gusts.  It was actually warmer and less windy in the morning.  I felt so-so during this run.  The goal was to stay comfortable, but not slow-jog either.  After running around 16:00 for the first 2-miles, I eventually settled into the 6:35-7:00 min per mile range for most of the rest of the run (depending on the hills).   My calves are a bit sore from the race Sunday, but didn't really affect the run much.

March 18, 2013: 28 and Counting:  DAY OFF.  It seems as if 'Monday's off' is now becoming the norm.  I think I have said before that I leave Monday's as an optional day.  Most of the time I have the intent to run, but end up talking my self into just resting instead.  I don't think it will hurt me for the marathon.   

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