Monday, September 8, 2014

Chicago Marathon - 34 Days

Monday, September 8, 2014 - I know I have said this before, but I continue to be amazed at God's Faithfulness, Grace, and Provision.  The Chicago Marathon is quickly approaching, and yes, this blog should have started many weeks ago (there you go....the faithfulness of God.  He continues to pour out His love, mercy, and grace....even when I procrastinate about something He has laid on my heart to do.  If he has stirred YOUR heart to do something, and you have procrastinated, let me encourage you....IT'S NOT TOO LATE!  HE HAS NOT GIVEN UP ON YOU!  JUST TAKE A STEP OF FAITH, AND GET IT STARTED!). 
       Ok, back to Chicago.  The purpose of this first post will be to give you some background on how the Chicago Marathon became part of the plan, and I will tell you, God orchestrated the entire thing.
        After running the Cowtown Marathon in Fort Worth, TX in February, I had no definitive plans for a Fall marathon.  I was open to one, but wasn't sure which marathon to run, or even if I should run one.  I basically gave it to God.
      Here is where it gets interesting.  Within a few weeks, I was talking with a friend from church about my Cowtown experience.  Towards the end of the conversation, he says, "I want buy your plane ticket to whatever marathon you run next.  Wherever it is, I want to buy your plane ticket." After a short, speechless shock, I tried to reject his offer, but he insisted.  I then told him that there were no immediate plans to run a marathon, but I would be praying about it.  The very next week, he comes up to me again.  He says, "God keeps telling me that the plane ticket is not enough.  He wants me to give more."  He then goes on to tell me that he wants to pay for two plane tickets (so my wife could go with me), up to 3 nights in a hotel, and even my registration!  I do not know what to say at this point.  I make a feeble attempt to politely reject the generous offer.  I tell him that is way too much.  He goes on to say, "You have to accept this.  This is not from me.  It is from God."  He goes on to tell me how much God has blessed Him, and how God wanted him to be a blessing to me.  I am extremely humbled.  I am extremely speechless.  Who am I to reject such a generous gift from God?................STAY TUNED FOR THE REST OF THE STORY..........

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