April 8, 2013: 7 and Counting.... We are exactly 1 week away!......perfect time for a day off! :-P This is my last planned total rest day. From here on out there will be nothing longer than 7 miles with some strides thrown in, and a short marathon-paced tempo later on in the week. It's time to really lock-in on Jesus, eating well/hydrating, and getting plenty of sleep at night.
April 7, 2013: 8 and Counting.... 13-miles (82:48) - out/back - Mon River Rail Trail (Prickett's Fort). This run was very interesting. I wanted to stay true to the thought of maintaining intensity, while reducing volume. Therefore, I did not want to run easy, but also not go crazy fast. I started the run out feeling ok as I was cruising along with a 20 mph tailwind most of the way. Part of me couldn't help but think, "How is it going to feel on the way back?" Well.....for the most part, the way back was tough. It has been quite some time since I have run in winds this strong. Having not looked at my watch, I was predicting that I would finish the run in around 85:00....if things were going well, but possibly up to 88:00 as I felt like aqua-jogging back much of the time. That's how tough it was on the way back. I really felt like I was practically running in place at times. I scratched and clawed my way to the finish and felt like I had just completed an 18-20 miler instead of a 13 miler. To my surprise, my split on the way back was within seconds of my split on the way out. I know I said on Thursday that the 3 x 1600 workout was my last 'hard' day, but I will have to revise that and include this run in that category....at least being as mentally tough b/c of the headwind during the 2nd half of the run. Hopefully the conditions at Boston will be more like the first half of this run. :-)
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