Thursday, March 28, 2013

20, 19, 18, and Counting......

March 28, 2013: 18 and Counting..... 6-miles (50:00) recovery - treadmill.  Just took it really easy today.  I was a little sore/tight from the last 2 days.  I watched part of an episode of "The Bible" for the first time today while running the treadmill.  It seems to be really well done....definitely the best movie/show I have seen about Jesus with the exception of "Passion of the Christ." 

March 27, 2013:  19 and Counting..... 12-miles  (73:40) - ran home from school today for the last time before the marathon.  I didn't expect to feel this good or run this fast after yesterday's workout.  I didn't look at the time on my watch until I got home.  I wanted to run based on effort instead of time.  I definitely wanted to put in a solid effort and work the hills.....extremely happy with the outcome.  I took a 12-minute ice bath in the lake after this one......then soaked my legs in warm bath water afterwards.......the warm bath water was definitely more enjoyable. :-P

March 26, 2013: 20 and Counting...... 10 miles; 4-mile warm-up with strides; 5 x half-mile (at 12.5 mph or 4:48 per mile pace (2:24 per half mile)) on treadmill with 0.3 mile jog in between; 2-mile cool down.  These felt pretty good aerobically.  However, my hamstrings did tighten a bit in the middle of this workout.  They did not get progressively worse, so I went ahead and finished the workout.  Hamstrings felt better as the evening progressed......Praise God!! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

24, 23, 22, 21 and Counting.....

March 25, 2013: 21 and Counting......4-miles (34:20).....recovery run....treadmill.  This is the first time I have run on a Monday in a few weeks.  We had a snow day today, so I thought I would do an easy run just to get the blood flowing a little bit.  Today starts the 3-week taper to Boston.  Over the last 9 weeks, I have averaged 75 miles a week.  I have had a few 70 mile weeks; a few 75 mile weeks; and a couple of 80 mile weeks.  I plan on doing around 60-65 miles this week.  Although my body does not feel perfect, I am pretty excited going into this taper.  There have been times in the past (like this past summer) where I have pretty much gone into the taper injured, and I desperately needed to back off.  I definitely feel like I am ready for the taper, but I do not have that injured and desperate feeling this time. I obviously do not know what is going to happen....and I want to praise God no matter the result of the race...but something inside of me says Boston is going to be good this year.  Of course no matter how the race goes, it does not change who God is or how GREAT He is.

March 24, 2013: 22 and Counting.... 20-miles (2:05:45); Prickett's Fort Rail Trail;  my last harder, longer run before Boston.  I was debating whether to do this run in the hills around Bridgeport, or hit the rail-trail for a flatter, softer run.  Although hills are what I will be facing in Boston, I want to get to Boston as healthy and fit as possible.  With my body being a bit banged up, I felt more at peace about hitting the more forgiving surface of the rail-trail.  I was definitely glad I chose the trail as I felt pretty fatigued through the first half of the run (66:12).  My pace was gradually getting quicker, but I just felt like it would cap off probably around 6:10-6:15 pace.  However, on the way back (with the help of a little tail wind most of the way), I ran the last 10 miles in 59:33.  My last my mile was my fastest (5:49).  This was truly a blessing b/c at the turnaround point, I made it a goal to run as close to 2:10 as possible.....breaking 2:06 NEVER crossed my mind until I hit the finish.  God is good!

March 23, 2013: 23 and Counting.... 8-miles (no watch) - out/back - Middleville Rd.  Ok, I am REALLY glad I did not wear a watch.  This was definitely a SLOG (Slow Jog).  I had a weird dream last night that I was trying to run down a straight stretch toward a finish line at Maple Lake.  However, I didn't even have the strength to stand up in the dream.  Therefore I crawled extremely slowly (like the slowest slow motion on your DVR or DVD player) to the finish line, then just collapsed completely on my belly when I crossed it.  Well, I didn't quite feel that bad for this run, but it wasn't too far off.  Just had trouble getting the legs to move.  However, legs feel healthy!  I praise God for that!!

March 22, 2013: 24 and Counting....10-miles (71:54) - Shinnston Rail Trail; My legs were definitely feeling the combination of Wednesday's workout and yesterday's long run home from school.  However, happy to get this in and surive it.....the taper begins soon! :-)....God is faithful!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kristian Stanfill: Always - Official Lyric Video

God is faithful....always.

25 and Counting

March 21, 2013: 25 and Counting.....  16 miles (98:30) - Ran home from school.  This run surprised me.  I didn't expect to run this fast because of the workout yesterday.  I did feel some fatigue in my legs throughout, but still felt pretty strong and I had a tailwind for about 80% of the run.  I will definitely take it easy for the next couple of days before my last long run before the taper starts.  I would like to feel relatively fresh for Sunday's long run.  All I can say is God is so faithful.   My legs felt pretty dead all day at school and I expected them to feel similar for the run home.  I told myself that it was ok to run easy...even if that meant running 7-minute pace or even slower.  My legs did not feel fresh by any means but once I started running they did come alive a little bit.  God continues to bless.....He continues to sustain me.

28, 27, 26 and Counting

March 20, 2013: 26 and Counting:  14 miles - treadmill - YMCA (4-mile warmup; 6 x 1 mile at 4:55 pace (12.2 mph on treadmill) w/0.35 mile jog in between); 2 mile coodown.  On the training schedule was 6 x 1000 meters.  I had planned to do this on the track, but with track season in full swing, I would not have been able to get on the track until after 5:00 pm.  It's normally better for me to run right after work instead of going home, hanging out for awhile, then going back out.  Plus it was extremely windy outside, so I went with the next best option of hopping on the YMCA treadmill.  I am extremely pleased with the result of the workout.  Heading to the Y, the plan was to do 5 x 1 mile, but I felt really good, so I decided to add 1 more in there.  The day after the Grafton 5-miler, my heel was pretty sore, so I had my doubts about doing a speed workout this week.  All I can say is that God continues to sustain me.  By His grace I have been able to train through the aches and pains.  My belief is that He will continue to sustain me.  He is good.

March 19, 2013: 27 and Counting: 12-miles (84:00) - out/back - Maple Lake/Hinkle-Deagan Lake.  I headed out at 4:30 am for this one b/c the afternoon winds were forcasted to be close to 30 mph with higher gusts.  It was actually warmer and less windy in the morning.  I felt so-so during this run.  The goal was to stay comfortable, but not slow-jog either.  After running around 16:00 for the first 2-miles, I eventually settled into the 6:35-7:00 min per mile range for most of the rest of the run (depending on the hills).   My calves are a bit sore from the race Sunday, but didn't really affect the run much.

March 18, 2013: 28 and Counting:  DAY OFF.  It seems as if 'Monday's off' is now becoming the norm.  I think I have said before that I leave Monday's as an optional day.  Most of the time I have the intent to run, but end up talking my self into just resting instead.  I don't think it will hurt me for the marathon.   

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our God - Chris Tomlin - Worship Video w/lyrics

God is greater than the Boston Marathon.

29 and Counting

March 17, 2013: 29 and Counting.....18 miles (3-mile warm-up (20:45); Grafton 5-mile Road Race (actually it is 4.93 according to GPS) - 24:47 - 1st place (mile splits: 4:57, 4:59, 4:57, 5:21 (mostly uphill), 4:28 (downhill/flat for 0.93 miles)) ; 10-mile post race run (67:40).  Today was a great day!  The weather was perfect for a race....about 38 degrees.....light winds.....cloudy.  Even though this is not a legit 5-mile course, I was very pleased with my time considering the hills, and the fact that I have not done a real speed workout in over 2 weeks.  Overall, my back felt pretty decent (Praise God!)....same with my heel.  I'm still feeling tightness/soreness in both places, but again, by the grace of God, I have been able to run through it without either being debilitating.  I am really starting to feel some excitement for Boston.
 I truly feel like God is sustaining me and carrying me through the training......(Isaiah 46:4 says, "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (NIV)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, and Counting

Obviously, I have not posted in awhile.  Part of the reason is that our computer caught a virus that locked it up for about a week.  I have also been through some ups and downs with health.  By God's grace, I have been able to pretty much train as planned, but I have struggled with heel pain (getting better....Praise God!) and upper left back pain (getting better....Praise God!)  The mileage has stayed pretty close to planned, but probably a little slower overall than planned....of course, maybe God has something else planned.....and I know His plans are better than mine....His ways are above my ways.....His thoughts are above my thoughts.  Overall, I have not had the best attitude over the last couple of weeks as I have complained and questioned  the physical pain I have gone through.   However, God is sooooooooooooo faithful......when I deserve to have the rug pulled out from under me, God catches me as I am falling.....there is no one like Him.  So faithful; so loving; so merciful.  I have comtemplated taking time off, backing off, and even not racing Boston.  However, there is something inside me that says....."keep not give up."  In fact, this past Tuesday, March 12, my back was hurting so bad during my run that I said to myself....."Ok!!  I give up!  I will stop running!  I will take time off!!"  Later on during the run, my back felt somewhat better though not much.  I said in my mind that if I complete the run in under 70 minutes, then I will continue training...but if I totally fade and finish over 70 minutes, then I'm done training for awhile.  I finished in 69:47.  My back has gradually gotten better over the past few days, and I have not missed a training run.......God is good!!!.....God is faithful!!!  What is going to follow is what I have done over the last 17 days.  I will little to NO commentary.....just what I did for the day.

March 16, 2013....30 and Counting..... 8-mile recovery (treadmill) - 64:30.  Easy run....plan to run the Grafton 5-miler tomorrow.

March 15, 2013.....31 and Counting.....10 miles (69:42) - Shinnston Rail-Trail: 10 x 150 meter strides - 11 total miles

March 14, 2013......32 and Counting.....10 miles (63:40) - Lincoln High School to Clarksburg through Lumberport - extremely hilly.....very pleased with run

March 13, 2013......33 and Counting.....18 miles (1:51:00) - Shinnston Rail Trail....Legs felt good!....last 10 miles in around 59:00.

March 12, 2013.....34 and Counting....10 miles (69:47) - Oral Lake Loop....Possibly the turning point (see above commentary)

March 11, 2013......35 and Counting.....Day Off!

March 10, 2013......36 and Counting.....22 miles (2:22:34).....Prickett's Fort - Rail Trail - 72 degrees and sunny.....dehydrated toward's end.....very hot when my body is used to 20-40 degrees.  Happy overall that I even finished.

March 9, 2013......37 and Counting....8-miles (no watch) - out/back - Middleville Rd.

March 8, 2013......38 and Counting.....13 miles (4 miles up; 7-mile tempo (39:45); 2-miles down); Ouch...this one hurt....legs felt great.....back was killing me....went much slower than planned/expected.

March 7, 2013.....39 and Counting.....11-miles (79:30) - out/back - Hinkle deagan Lake/Maple Lake - 4:30 am.

March 6, 2013.....40 and Counting....10-miles (72:55) - out/back - Middleville Rd.

March 5, 2013.....41 and Counting....16 miles (96:30) - Shinnston Rail-Trail; Legs felt awesome; ran sub 59 for the last 10 miles.

March 4, 2013.....42 and Counting....Day Off!

March 3, 2013.....43 and Counting.......(19 miles (2-mile warm-up; Mill Creek Distance Classic Half-Marathon Youngstown, OH - 1:13:56 - 2nd place (23 degrees; wind chill: 13 degrees) Course was very hilly.  I ended up giving more than the planned marathon-paced effort, but the pace ended up being marathon pace anyway. 4-mile cool-down---mission accomplished......God is good!!

March 2, 2013.....44 and Counting.....8-miles - treadmill - recovery---no time recorded.

March 1, 2013......45 and Counting.....10 miles (63:40) - out/back - Wyatt/Peoria - felt pretty good.

February 28, 2013......46 and Counting.....16 miles (1:40:50) - Ran to work today.....originally planned to run home from work, but then learned we had parent/teacher conference and work was from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.....better to run to work in the daylight instead of running home in the dark. :-P  Didn't feel great when I first started, but felt better as the run progressed.